Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Here are some answers to our most frequently asked questions. Have a question that isn’t here? Give us a call at 503-292-SWIM(7946)!
Yes, we have male and female Bettas.
We sell both!
Yes, we sell RO/DI and mixed saltwater.
We can accept fish on donation as long as the fish is healthy and we have the space available.
We carry koi and goldfish food, pond chemicals, and select pond filters.
We can special order items if they are available from our distributors.
We will add you to a request list and do our best to order the fish you want. Our livestock is limited to what is available to us from our distributors. Certain fish/invertebrates may be available. We will not fulfil any requests for fish/invertebrates that are illegal or invasive, no exceptions.
Yes! We can test freshwater and saltwater, and our test is free. We limit 2 tests per group per day. We will do water tests from open until 6:30pm (5:30pm Sundays).
Yes, occasionally.
Yes! We carry a variety of glass aquariums.
We carry medications to treat a wide spectrum of fish disease. We do not carry Fish Mox.
We do not give money for fish or plants, but we can give in-store credit for select species as long as we have the space and need for that fish/plant.
No, we do not rent out our tank space.
We do not rehab or medicate customer’s fish, but we are happy to treat water and provide treatment recommendations.
Our staff does not do at-home tank maintenance for customers, but we can give you recommendations for aquarium maintenance workers.